The Only Self-Confidence Resources You Will Ever Need

Self-esteem and self-confidence affect our entire lives, from relationships, our work lives, and social situations.  Most of us suffer from lack of confidence at one time or another, but self-esteem issues can be overcome with a bit of help:


  • Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) helps you take the unhealthy behavior and replace it with more positive thoughts.  For example, your self-criticism may be exaggerated and Dr Rebeck can help you reframe your inferior feelings.  Perhaps you may not have failed at all, but may only have had a minor setback.
  • Hypnotherapy, similar to cognitive behavior therapy, helps you to put your irrational thoughts and weaknesses into perspective and may encourage you to develop new self talk and feelings.


You don’t have to compare yourself to others, feeling that you always come up short, or be a people pleaser.  You can learn to enjoy your strengths and accept compliments.  Let success be more a part of your life.